2022-2023 Mind-Body Medicine Electives

The Mind Body Medicine electives are primarily intended for Phase 1 students. The Mind Body Medicine course aims to proactively attend to the mental and emotional health needs of medical students through exploration and teaching of self-awareness and mindfulness skills. By developing these skills, students will be better prepared to practice preventative self-care and self-awareness, ultimately improving overall well-being, stress management, and empathy. The sessions will be led by facilitators who have been trained by the Georgetown Mind Body Medicine founders. During each session, students will be introduced to a new mind-body skill and have the opportunity to practice and learn the theory behind its practice. (This elective will earn 2 credits and appear on the transcript, but these will not count towards graduation requirements).

Loading your data!

{{ elective.course_number }} - {{ elective.title }}

{{ elective.elective_category }}

Department: {{ elective.department }}

Campus/Location: {{elective.campus}}: {{elective.location_hospital}}

Faculty: {{ elective.first_name }} {{ elective.last_name }}, {{elective.director_credentials}}


Availability Matrix

Number of weeks student must contact faculty prior to starting elective: {{elective.number_weeks_contact}}

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

Primary Contact:


Additional Info


Work hours: {{elective.duty_hours}}

Learning Objectives

Assessment Tools:

Other Faculty

Residents: {{elective.residents}}

Third-Year Elective

Pre-requisites: {{elective.prerequisites}}