IU School of Medicine Student Portal

Elective Title: 93SN730 — NEUROSURGERY


This elective is for students who have developed a strong interest in the nervous system, and who wish a further exposure to aid in making a career decision, or who wish to pursue laboratory studies, or a combination of the two activities. The course will be individualized, depending upon the student's interests. The student will follow patients at University or Wishard Hospitals and attend neurosurgery conferences. Those students who have a desire and an appropriate background may participate in laboratory and/or clinical investigative studies.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Mary Gallagher (mjgallag@iu.edu)

Director: Brad Bohnstedt, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: IU Health Methodist Hospital, Riley Children's Hospital & Eskenazi Hospital (Indianapolis)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Describe and discuss the nervous system (MK1)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form; (100% Clinical Observation)

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 3rd or 4th year status

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 50

Time Distribution: 100% Clinical

Elective Type Category: CP - Clinical Practice

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Mary Gallagher (mjgallag@iu.edu) THIS ELECTIVE DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE INITIAL SENIOR MATCH For permission to enroll in this elective, please email Mary Gallagher (mjgallag@iu.edu)

Third Year Elective? Yes

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: None

Service Learning Included: None