IU School of Medicine Student Portal



The student will consult on and round on all pediatric rheumatology inpatients at Riley Hospital with the staff rheumatologist and the subspecialty fellow, and s/he will see all urgent outpatient consultations. S/he will attend outpatient clinics to learn elements of history and physical examination of children with arthritis, and other autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases and those with chronic pain musculoskeletal pain referred for rheumatology consultation. S/he will learn to differentiate inflammatory from recurrent mechanical pain syndromes. The student will also apply the basic knowledge of inflammatory pathways to the treatment of complex rheumatic diseases, and through working with nursing and physical therapy, will experience inter-professional learning in healthcare delivery. Students will learn about the costs of the newer sophisticated biologic therapies, and the processes involved in prior authorization to assure insurance will provide the treatments needed.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu)

Director: Martha Rodriguez, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: Riley Hospital, Riley Outpatient Ctr, IU North Hospital Riley Clinics

Learning Objectives

  • At the end of the 4 week elective the student will be able to: 1) List the characteristics that differentiate inflammatory from mechanical causes of joint pain in children (MK2)
  • 2) Describe how normal musculoskeletal alignment of the lower extremities changes in children from a toddler through adolescence (MK1)
  • 3) Define the laboratory tests and imaging modalities important in the diagnosis and monitoring of childhood rheumatic diseases (PC3)
  • 4) Describe the most common causes of recurrent knee pain in children (SBP3)


  • Clinical Performance Evalution Form (The course director will complete the standard School of Medicine Evaluation form based on feedback and comments from the faculty who worked with the student. Each consultation note is written by the student and reviewed/revised by the attending physician. The student will read these revised/amended notes and discuss with the attending how to improve his/her documentation. The attending MD will examine the children with the student, so his/her skills improve over time. Each consultation will be presented orally to the week’s attending MD on rounds and for all new consultations. At the end of the week, the student will present active inpatient consultations and challenging outpatients seen to the division physicians at the weekly case management conference. We strongly encourage our faculty to provide feedback to the student, but students should request such input independently at least once a week)

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 3rd or 4th year status; Completion of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clerkships.

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 35-40

Time Distribution: 85% Clinical; 10% Library/Research; 5% Lecture/Seminar

Elective Type Category: CP - Clinical Practice

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu) For permission to enroll in this elective please contact Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu). The student should contact the course director to assure that the elective is available for enrollment when signing up. S/he should also contact the director during the month prior to the start date of the elective if the student has not yet received a welcome letter from the director to assure that she is aware of the upcoming rotation.

Third Year Elective? Yes

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: Yes

Skills Description: Ms. Amy Rakestraw, MSPT,MPH helps teach physical examination and rehabilitation. Rheumatology nurses teach about living with rheumatic diseases, home administration of injectable medications and monitoring of children on major immune suppressive medications.

Service Learning Included: None