IU School of Medicine Student Portal

Elective Title: 93KI860 — ADOLESCENT MEDICINE


This course will prepare medical students to supervise and maintain optimal health for adolescents. The student will be primarily focused in outpatient clinics involving adolescent primary care and specialty care of the adolescent, including eating disorders, gender health, and gynecology. There will be minimal in-patient experiences unless the student requests to be scheduled for inpatient care. All outpatient sites will be one to one with faculty supervisors. There is no evening nor weekend call. Students will attend approximately 12 hours of didactic lectures throughout the month long with additional teaching given during inpatient rounds. Students will participate in other supervised activities with residents including journal article reviews, case conference, book clubs or clinical tool development. Students should be aware that they will be at multiple sites around Indianapolis and must be able to provide their own transportation to various clinic sites.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu)

Director: Cynthia L Robbins, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health and associated out-patient clinics; Eskenazi Health out-patient clinics and school based clinics (Indianapolis)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Gather accurate information about the health history that enables essential management, appropriate screening and intervention of common reproductive health issues including normal pubertal development, menstrual disorders and sexually transmitted infections (MK1)
  • 2) Discuss and follow federal, state and local laws that apply to adolescent health care in regards to consent and confidentiality (P3)
  • 3) Identify, asses risk and provide anticipatory guidance for nutrition, tobacco & substance use, and mental health concerns for the adolescent aged patient (ICS1)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form; (Clinical Observation; Presentations and student particpation during supervised activities with multiple faculty. Final assessments will be completed by the course director after receiving input from all faculty supervisors).

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 4th year status

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 40

Time Distribution: 85% Clinical; 10% Library; 5% Didactic

Elective Type Category: AC - Advanced Clinical

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu)

Third Year Elective? No

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: None

Service Learning Included: None