IU School of Medicine Student Portal



Students will evaluate patients referred for evaluation and care of apparent infectious problems. Emphasis will be placed upon a problem-oriented approach to the patient with infectious disease and close supervision of everyday management in the hospitalized pediatric patient. Emphasis will be added on the role of the clinical laboratory in the evaluation of infectious disease. Students will participate in formal infectious disease rounds on a daily basis, weekly case conferences, and discussion of patients in clinic. Students will be encouraged to become familiar with the medical literature regarding problems of diagnosis and management.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu)

Director: Shaina Hecht, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health (Indianapolis)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Perform a detailed medical history focused on inflammatory/infection illnesses (PC1)
  • 2) Generate broad but tiered diagnostic differentials of inflammatory/infectious illnesses (PC2)
  • 3) Recognize the capacity of routine microbiology testing as it pertains to the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases (PC3)
  • 4) Demonstrate increased facility in the judicious use of antimicrobial agents (MK4)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form; (Clinical Observation)

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 4th year status; Pediatric clerkship must be completed

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 50

Time Distribution: 80% Clinical; 5% Lecture; 15% Literature review

Elective Type Category: AC - Advanced Clinical

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Allison Webb (alliwebb@iu.edu) and Kellie Hindman (kmhindma@indiana.edu). Availability is not guaranteed and is subject to change unless you have received express permission to enroll from the Course Director. Note: This subspecialty rotation may have a large volume of learners.

Third Year Elective? No

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: Yes

Skills Description: Students will have discussions with clinical microbiologists and molecular diagnosticians to optimize patient care as it relates to reaching a diagnosis. Students may interact daily with Physician Assistant students, Pharmacy students, as well as a Pharmacy Resident, and may have opportunity to assist in care-co-ordination with therapists, social workers, and case managers.

Service Learning Included: None