IU School of Medicine Student Portal



The student will function as an extern on the Surgical Pathology Service under the supervision of the surgical pathology faculty. He or she will be given responsibilities in the dissection and histologic study of current surgical specimens. He or she will participate in operating room consultation (frozen sections) and in the surgical pathology teaching conferences. There will be an opportunity for reading and review in the discipline of surgical pathology and for attendance at various Department of Pathology Conferences. Opportunity exists for participation in the autopsy service if the student desires.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Karen Sanburn (ksanburn@iu.edu)

Director: Muhammad Idrees, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: IU Health University Hospital, IU Health Pathology Laboratory (Indianapolis)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Recognize the functions of the division of anatomic pathology (MK1)
  • 2) Demonstrate proficiency in acquiring, processing and diagnostic interpretation of anatomic specimens (PC3)
  • 3) Discuss the importance of accurate diagnosis, reporting and communication with health care providers in patient management (SBP1)
  • 4) Participate in teaching, intra- and interdepartmental conferences, and research projects to gain experience in an academic environment (P2)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form; (Clinical Observation; Exam)

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 3rd or 4th year status; must have completed at least one-half of the required 3rd year clinical clerkships

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 40

Time Distribution: 70% Clinical; % Laboratory; 15% Lecture/Seminar; 15% Library/Research

Elective Type Category: AC - Advanced Clinical

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Karen Sanburn (ksanburn@iu.edu) Any student wanting to add or drop this elective after initial scheduling should contact Karen Sanburn (ksanburn@iu.edu). This course may be dropped or added up to the 15th day of the month proceeding the elective month.

Third Year Elective? Yes

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: None

Service Learning Included: None