IU School of Medicine Student Portal



This rotation is being offered at the Community Rehabilitation Hospital which is a 60 bed comprehensive Acute Rehabilitation facility. The course will allow the student to work with patients with stroke, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, amputations and other disabling conditions. The course also offers the students an opportunity to learn a practical low back and neck evaluation and how to treat common musculoskeletal injuries. The course will train the student to differentiate between impairment and disabilities. This will allow the student to have the necessary skills in which to determine work/activity restrictions for patients. During the rotation the student will have the opportunity to participate and learn about the different types of therapies (Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Recreational therapy) and learn how to work with a multidisciplinary team in the care of patients. There is no "on-call"" requirement with this rotation. "

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Sandi Lee (slee@rehabassoc.net) and Janet Eiland (Jeiland@rehabassoc.net)

Director: Eric Aitken, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: Community Rehabilitation Hospital, Greenwood Rehabilitation Associates of Indiana (Indianapolis)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Develop problem-solving and conflict resolution skills (P3)
  • 2) Identify differences in post-acute care (PC2)
  • 3) Participate in the treatment of complex inpatient rehabilitation patients (MK4)
  • 4) Develop the ability to assess and manage chronic pain (MK4)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 3rd or 4th year status

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 40

Time Distribution: 90% Clinical; 10% Lecture

Elective Type Category: CP - Clinical Practice

Notes and Enrollment Information:

THIS ELECTIVE MAY BE DROPPED/ADDED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS NOTICE TO THE DEAN'S OFFICE. To check availability, please contact Sandi Lee (slee@rehabassoc.net). This elective is currently on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions. Check on availability if other dates open up per COVID-19 restrictions.

Third Year Elective? Yes

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: None

Service Learning Included: None