IU School of Medicine Student Portal



Students will spend the rotation working one-on-one with a senior surgeon who is a clinical professor. The rotation will include daily rounds in the hospital, seeing inpatient and ER consultation and responding to trauma codes.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Sharon Roberts (robeshar@iu.edu)

Director: Keith Clancy, M.D.

Campus: Fort Wayne

Location: Lutheran Hospital of Indiana (IUSM - Fort Wayne)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Identify a surgical emergency (i)e), a patient who requires urgent or emergent operation (PC1)
  • 2) Stabilize and triage trauma patient and begin appropriate work-up (PC2)
  • 3) Perform basic surgical skills, such as suturing, chest tube placement, and CVC’s (PC4)
  • 4) Recognize an urgent or emergent surgical condition (PC2)
  • 5) Indicate the work-up and stabilization of a trauma patient (PC3)
  • 6) Perform basic bedside surgical procedures, such as CVC, art lines, NG tube insertions, infiltrating local anesthetics, suturing wounds, reducing joint dislocation and applying traction, doing emergency intubation, and managing ventilators (PC4)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form (Direct observation by Course Director or Preceptor)

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 4th year status

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 60

Time Distribution: 80% Clinical; 5% Research, 5% Presentation; 10% Library

Elective Type Category: CP - Clinical Practice

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Sharon Roberts (robeshar@iu.edu) THIS ELECTIVE DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE INITIAL SENIOR MATCH All Fort Wayne electives must go thru the Fort Wayne campus coordinator Sharon Roberts (robeshar@iu.edu or 260-257-6833).

Third Year Elective? No

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: Yes

Skills Description: It does provide the opportunity to work collaboratively, from interaction in the ER with their staff, to other critical care specialists in the ICU, to the OR teams.

Service Learning Included: None